Sumpah Warga Persatuan (Association Membership Oath)
Kami Bersumpah (We Swear):
1. Satu: Sanggup Memelihara Kepribadian.
(One: I will strive to cultivate personal integrity.)
2. Dua: Sanggup Patuh Pada Kejujuran.
(Two: I will strive to follow the rule of truth and honesty
3. Tiga: Sanggup Mempertinggi Prestasi.
(Three: I will strive to honor The Science.)
4. Empat: Sanggup Menjaga Sopan-Santun.
(Four: I will strive to support the social discipline and etiquette.)
5. Lima: Sanggup Menguasai Diri.
(Five: I will strive to exercise self-control.)